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Backed on kickstarter, no code yet, any updates?

How do you access the beta without paying if you already backed it on kickstarter?


just finished the demo! was a lot of fun, and looking forward to how this turns out! 

i would think about adding a hold movement toggle so you dont have to constantly click where you want to go as something to keep in mind for the future. i found the enemy ai could be abused a little by simply building a wall in between you and them, as they would just turn around immediatley and run. however, as i know this is a dev demo build, amazing work nevertheless :)


Thanks Porygon, you're absolutely right, the AI pathing is on the top of the list :D


Very neat demo! Awesome job! Are there any plans for any type of tutorial?

I am very much looking forward to the full release!


thanks SO much!! that's a great idea, it'll be in the next patch for sure.