Patch Notes 0.18.2b

0.18.2 Closed Beta Cont.

Controls / UI:

Added label to sensitivity slider and made setting persistent, lowered default sensitivity.

Reverted damage % to health bars for readability & reduce clutter.


First wave of each stage is now announced by an audio alarm and visual light on the corresponding spawn cave/pipe/chute.

Lengthened longest peace timer to 90 seconds.

Boss tracks will now play throughout encounter and will revert to "peaceful" tracks after defeat.

Bosses can now definitely be killed.

Can now build walls in quick succession until cancelled.

Cannon tower redone to skull and tank tower, can lock on and hit enemies.

Tank is much harder to turn over, corrects itself, added flip detection & uprighting function.

Coins carryover to next stage.

Faster player default speed and "trail" only plays when in contact with ground.

Gamepad level pathing simplified, lighting added.

Unlockable/items prices scale as game progresses.

Enemy & boss health and armor scaling increased/buffed, player & buildings nerfed.

Fixed bug causing tower upgrades to duplicate every stage.

Limited "extra" boxes that drop once all items collected to once per round.

Minigun & nuke particle adjustments.

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